Forum Discussion
- ProServe-DreGoContributor 3
This is my number one ask of Jobber. To build killer small business KPIs directly allowing me to smartly incentivize employees based on speed, minimized breakage, most positive reviews, most requested employee, and the like.
- MarkContributor 3
I would love to see this too.
- AdamSylvesterContributor 3
The closest thing to Pay for Performance I know of that integrates with Jobber is Protiv and BonusUp. In a very brief summary, Protiv seems better for large average ticket (large painting jobs that span several days) and Bonus Up is better for high volume low average ticket (window cleaning, for example). We've used Bonus Up the majority of this whole year and it's GREAT. I tried Protiv first and switched. KellyGuerrero
- brandymmContributor 2
Good conversation and very informative. Looking into these apps today, as we have been tryin to implement PFP for awhile, with last season high turn over, it was harder.
- NeilContributor 2
Quality Driven
- ProServe-DreGoContributor 3
I like this concept, yet not 100% inline with what I need.
- MarkContributor 3
I would love to hear any info too. Been researching the one that Mike Andes has, but pretty sure it does not integrate with Jobber.
- rebeccaJobber Community Team
Interested to follow along here!
- Warrior_BossContributor 2
Me too!
- phillipsenterContributor 2
Thank you Neil. I would be interested if anyone else has any other input.
- ryaantuttleJobber Ambassador
Whats a "Pay for Performance" app?
- bedellmgmtJobber Ambassador
Your team members would get paid by the project completed instead of an hourly wage (assuming they actually work efficiently enough to earn more than your state minimum wage - if not, you pay them that so you don't get in trouble) This hopefully incentivizes team members to work more efficiently for everyone's mutual monetary gain.
- HillfamcleaningContributor 2
Mine average well above minimum wage paying them commission rather than hourly.
- FredHodgeJrContributor 4
A bonus system to reward employees based on their performance.
- CoDuctDoctorsContributor 2
Example would be Bonusly. Employer can provide awards, incentives for performance..We use Bonusly. Basically you can create any type of award or incentive for customers completing a job quicker, or cross-selling other services while at the jobsite to an existing client.. For example, we incentive our technicians for speed and accuracy, positive customer-feedback (google reviews) that mention the techs name, cross-selling other services, and attendance record quarterly. With Bonusly, you create a point system and what those points are worth. We have our techs keep track of the what they cross-sell in order to get incentive and recognized for it, they log into Bonusly at the end of the day and enter the recognition name #cross-sell and required to upload the workorder and the system dumps the points into their wallet for the specific amount of points they earn for cross-selling. For every 10 points can equal $ 1, 3, or 5 dollars. We get to decide how much 10 points is worth. So 500 points is $50 they can deem this is set up initially when you set up the account. You can set up one off or quarterly performance bonuses which is why we like this software.
They add up, techs can save up and redeem Visa debit gift cards, cards to over 100 stores. We don't pay until the employee redeems the reward. If the technician has $50-$500 dollars worth of points they turn them into cash redeeming virtual or physical gift cards, then we get charged once they redeem. Our accountant says this considered a "fringe benefit".
- KellyGuerreroContributor 4
Has anyone looked at Protiv? I see that one does integrate with Jobber. It looks like it would work great for companies whose techs work in teams.
- MarkContributor 3
Checking that out now. Looks like it may be something that works for paying the team for performance.
- ProServe-DreGoContributor 3
i like the brief explainer video. I'll check it out. $99 a month? WOW!! for only 6 employees? This is pretty costly for a business of that size. Something jobber has always impressed me with is the cost for the amount of employees you can have on the software. Greatly appreciated JOBBER!!
- RachelSmithContributor 3
We hired a developer to build a reporting tool that accepts specific reports from Jobber (Visits, Invoices, & Timesheets) and combines them into one spreadsheet which calculates the individual cleaner's pay based on metrics we decide, like job ticket hours (duration sold), actual time worked, if it was a team splits accordingly, etc. Tried to attach an image here for reference but cannot.
- TheMarshallContributor 2
ANy chance you can share who your developer is?
- RachelSmithContributor 3
His name is Isa Aguilar and can be reached at Hope you find the help you need!
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