Hey Luminary Lawns Team! Thanks for your question. Jobber does not currently allow you to forward messages from your DPN to another number, but I would be happy to submit that as a feature request.
As for that stuck notification, this is something that we have run into before. The following steps should resolve the issue:
1. Open Jobber Online (web not app)
2. Mark two messages as unread
3. Open the app and see there are 2 unread messages (do not tap on them yet)
4. Close the app and ensure the icon now says 2 unread messages (this is the important part, we want the badge to move from 1 > 2 > 0, not from 1 > 0)
5. Open the app and read both of the messages
6. The notification badge should disappear now
If after completing these steps the notification will not clear, please call our Success Team at 888-721-1115 ext 1.