Forum Discussion

bedellmgmt's avatar
Contributor 3
10 days ago

Why do you think 4 out of 5 businesses fail and what are you doing to avoid joining the majority?

I personally have noticed that many times it is a talented individual who moves off to start their own business, but they lack financial education. Eventually, the lack of financial education comes up against the risk they have taken on (you don’t know what you don’t know) and they collide in a terrible mess that often costs them their dream.

What are your thoughts??

  • Art's avatar
    Contributor 3

    As a new, small business owner, I think this resonates very much with me, since when you know your craft and just start to figure out all the small things that comes with owning your own business you tend to focus only on the work and not the back end. 

    And then there comes the time on paying taxes and meeting with the accountant - and you start to feel anxious since even if you think you know at least a little bit about that side of the business you quickly find out that you don't know squat :) 

    I think its crucial as a business owner to know all the sides of it and just educate yourself in all the directions. As always you are one man army. You are the face of the company, the shop worker, the estimator, the web designer, the receptionist, the installer and the guy that keeps track on what materials you have in stock... etc.