Forum Discussion

julie's avatar
Jobber Community Team
16 days ago

What's your favorite way to accept client payments? ๐Ÿ‘€

Fav method and why! 

Credit cards? Cash? Payments software? 

  • GBTY86's avatar
    Contributor 2

    Venmo or Check.  Credit Cards cost too much.  We don't take Cash.

    • julie's avatar
      Jobber Community Team

      It's nice to have payment options for customers who lean more towards digital payments but also to the classic folks who still stick to their checks. 
      Is there a reason why you prefer not to accept cash?? 

  • THS's avatar
    Contributor 2

    Cash is and will always be king, but it is great to offer several different digital options (credit cards, Zell, Cash app).

    • rebecca's avatar
      Jobber Community Team

      Great to give folks optionsโ€”you want to make sure anyone can pay you right!? What do you think is keeping cash as your preferred method of payment? 

  • I use QuickBooks for my invoicing and allow clients to use any option they give me. Credit Cards, PayPal, Venmo, ACH, etc. I have a few clients who pay via check, but the delays in waiting for the mail to arrive and getting them deposited to the bank doesn't work for how I do business. I consider the cost of processing credit cards when I price my work. I am considering a discount if clients use ACH bank transfer.

    • julie's avatar
      Jobber Community Team

      Nice! You've got a good range of options for your clients. Do you find one method works best or is more popular with your clients? Curious if youโ€™ve seen any trends in how people prefer to pay!

  • Art's avatar
    Contributor 3

    Cash, Check, Credit Card. In that specific order :)

    Love to have all the options and happy that jobber offers them to my clients. 

  • 65% of my clients use venmo and sometimes when jobber is down I have them use square just because I get the funds the next day to be 100% honest