Acorn Integration?
We use enhancify. We considered Wisetack. However, we require down payments and don't like that payment gets released after work gets completed. We stumbled across Acorn and saw they integrate with HouseCall Pro. On their quotes, they offer a monthly finance rate the customer could get if they used Acorn (estimated rate of course). Is this a possible integration in the future, or is there something similar? tia18Views0likes1CommentCustomer Q: Is there any plans for customers to be able to pay an account balance...
Question: Are there any plans for customers to be able to pay an account balance vs charging their CC or using ACH a couple times per invoice? Answer: Hopefully we are understanding your question correctly, but Jobber doesn't currently offer negative account balances to then be collected at one time. Let us know if this does not answer your question, or perhaps provide some more detail on what exact workflow you are looking for. We are happy to pass your feedback on to our team.20Views2likes0CommentsCustomer Q: With progress invoicing, if a job gets closed before it is invoiced in full...
Question: With progress invoicing, if a job gets closed before it is invoiced in full, does it create an invoice reminder? Answer: Yes, the customer will still receive a reminder to pay the remaining balance on the invoice, according to the payment schedule you set with Progress Invoicing (regardless of the status of the job within Jobber). The customer invoice payment reminders are independent of job status.13Views1like0CommentsWhat is a accounting service you would recommend for a solo operation?
I own and operate a repair services company and work solo. No employees. I hired a accounting service, but I don't feel like I'm getting good service. Plus they don't have any way for me to track reports for invoices, transactions, expenses etc. I feel like I'm flying blind here. The main reason I wanted their service was for tax prep, and they came recommended from ZenBusiness. I am doing most of the work without really having any report or spreadsheet to look at. Jobber does a lot of heavy lifting with reports, which is great, but I'm not sure how to incorporate Jobber with my current service. Obviously there is Quickbooks, but what is a accounting/tax service that you would recommend for my situation? And are there any services that work well with Jobber?123Views2likes5CommentsReceivables conundrum
Hello Fellow business owners. I have run a successful Cosmetic Restoration Company for almost 3 1/2 years. I am strictly BtoB and never deal with home owners directly. Generated jobs has really never been an issue. Getting paid for them in a timely fashion has been. It quickly becomes a cash flow issue , namely employees and the government always want there money up front , with my client payments lagging. I am interested in the strategies that this group uses to get paid quicker without causing conflict that may jeopardize client relations118Views1like3CommentsTaxes for Line Item over 5k
When we have any 1 item that is over 5k we are given a tax break on the county surtax. Is there anyone here that is invoicing with this tax break? How do you go about adjusting the taxes and invoicing? QB adjust the tax amount automatically, but Jobber does not, and we prefer to invoice through Jobber.48Views1like1CommentAnnual price increase reminders
Howdy! How do you guys keep track of annual price increases? It looks like we can set an invoice reminder but I worry that will get lost in a sea of daily invoice reminders. Currently we use internal notes but we continue to miss accounts. We're issuing about 30 increases every month. Would love your ideas!242Views0likes3CommentsAuto Add Late fees/Interest
Does anyone know how to add auto interest or late fees to invoices? Considering the scope of my work this would be real handy when my average invoice payment time is around 50 days. Because of this I have to finance my own payroll and if I could recoup some of these interest charges automatically. Too many invoices to manually add fees144Views0likes2Comments