Forum Discussion

GBPlumbing's avatar
Contributor 2
10 days ago

When do you know when to start hiring?

Here at GB Plumbing, we knew we should be starting to hire when we were working over 70 hours a week and not seeing any slow down with jobs coming in. We’re now up to 3 trucks, and are looking to hire again as things continue to keep growing and we want to continue to provide more services to our community. 

  • Don't always assume that just because you're running around like a chicken without a head, that you need to hire more employees. Try determining what every employee should bring in monthly. make sure you hit that goal consistently before hiring more.

    for example, if all of your employees do the same services and hold the same position, and you expect each one to produce, lets say $30k per month, then you would not outfit a fourth truck until you were consistently reaching or exceeding $90k a month.

    you may find that you are super busy, but it may be due to inefficiency, routing issues, new guy mistakes, and follow-ups. the way to confirm you are on track is by ensuring each truck is making what it should make before growing.

  • rebecca's avatar
    Jobber Community Team

    GBPlumbing Curious how long it took for you to get to 3 trucks? What services are you adding? Exciting to see that growth and thanks for sharing these tips! 

  • Art's avatar
    Contributor 3

    My business is long way from that but I would guess i would follow your lead on this one. When ever I would see that the work is coming in pretty steady and that we are busy at least a month or to months ahead - I would definitely start hiring people.

    • rebecca's avatar
      Jobber Community Team

      Are you also in plumbing Art, or a different industry? 

      • Art's avatar
        Contributor 3

        I am in carpentry industry. Mainly manufacturing stairs and installing railings.