Forum Discussion

apexhomeworks's avatar
Contributor 2
3 months ago

Home Inspectors - what's the most effective way of finding new clients?

We're a home inspection and remodeling company that has built a solid foundation through traditional marketing channels like real estate agent referrals and SEO. However, we're eager to explore innovative strategies to expand our client base. What unconventional methods have other successful home inspectors used to generate leads and attract new customers?

  • I'm not an inspector but full of unconventional marketing ideas...

    I think I found your website and your menu link to home inspections gave my browser gave me an "insecure site" message.  I just wanted to let you know in case you are missing leads or your site was hacked. 

    Outside of buying and selling homes what are the reasons people need to hire a home inspector?  The name inspector is really scary to a home owner is there a way to lower the stigma associated with having something inspected? How is hiring a home inspector going to protect their home or save them from costly repairs?  Is there a certain home age or warning signs that would warrant an inspection? 

    SEO usually screams from the rooftops "WE ARE A HOME INSPECTOR" but people still need to type "Home inspector" in google search to find help.  As a consumer, I don't know why I would need the service aside from buying and selling a home and in that circumstance I would probably ask for a referral from a realtor or friend because I still don't know what I am looking for.  

    Are you educating or connecting with people that you should be their first call or their most affordable call before they make any change to the systems in their home? Should they call you annually?  Should they call you before they plan to upgrades? Do you have any resources that would pop up in search when people are looking for other services or trying to resolve issues in their home using google?  I think it is better to ask customers how they found you or how someone outside your industry/business how they would find you.  

    I know there wasn't any hard tactics in here but hopefully it triggers some ideas for you