Forum Discussion

David_Moerman's avatar
Jobber Ambassador
2 months ago

🌟 Facing Failure Head-On: An Honest Talk About Business Mistakes 🌟

Hey Business Owners,

Have you faced business challenges you’re not sure how to overcome? 

Wondering how to avoid common pitfalls or bounce back stronger from failure?

Failure is part of every business owner's journeyβ€”but it doesn’t have to define your future.

Hi, I’m David Moerman, owner of Home Service Business Coach and Revive Services, and from
January 15–21, I’ll be hosting this month’s Ask An Expert session.

With 16 years of experience in the home service industry, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes.
But those mistakes have helped me build thriving businesses, coach 330+ entrepreneurs,
and generate over $6 million in revenue in the home service industry.

Post your stories and ask your toughest questionsβ€”I’m ready to help!

Let’s tackle failure head-on and turn it into a stepping stone for growth.πŸ’ͺ

If you missed my session at Jobber Blueprint: Live, "Bouncing Back From Business Failures,"
check out upcoming events here:

  • I haven't watched the session yet, but one thing that comes to mind before watching it is understanding that failure of a business (or a part of a business) doesn't make _you_ a failure.  Success on the first try is a fluke, and you're probably not going to learn anything by immediately succeeding.  Figure out what went wrong (asking for an outside opinion or help, if needed), and try something different.

  • julie's avatar
    Jobber Community Team

    Hey Dave! πŸ‘‹

    One of our webinar attendees asked: "As a low 7 figure business and growing. What are your thoughts on sharing all of the financial performance details with the whole company or at least with upper management."

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

    • David_Moerman's avatar
      Jobber Ambassador

      Hey Julie, 

      I believe in open book management and I think money should be talked about more in a growing small business. Showing employees hourly charge rates, costs, and even profit margins are good for the business. Employees buy into an authentic leader. It all depends on the Owner, but generally I see the team buying in more when the Owner is transparent with the financial performance of the company.

      Hope this helps!

      -Dave Moerman

  • JV's avatar
    Contributor 2

    Hi Dave, thanks for a great dive into Mistakes and learning from them.  Appreciate your straight forward and honest approach.  Good luck in 2025, make it your best year yet!

    • David_Moerman's avatar
      Jobber Ambassador

      Hey JV, 

      Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad the talk resonated with you and I try to keep it no fluff - all practical value. All the best in 2025 to you and your business. Let's go!

  • JV's avatar
    Contributor 2

    Great question, I went flying by the seat of my pants for a little over 7 years before it got too big for me to handle and I had to systemize things.  Jobber is a great place to start.  Systemizing your work flow, client interactions, it's all good.  Jobber has many different API extensions that you can add (like mailchimp for example).  What type of business do you have, and what kind of systems do you need? 

    Employee training procedures?  Company policy?  We are clin the middle of creating a Welcome Package for clients that goes through what to expect when dealing with us, what we expect from them (cleaning uo after your pooch, so we can mow your lawn and maintain the garden professionally.  



    • SeanVFF's avatar
      Contributor 2

      We do residential and commercial pressure washing. We need systems and protocols for how the office is ran, financials, etc. We have a couple of crews and they are great in the field. Its more so the office that needs the systems. We hired an assistant in the office and its hard to delegate what to do when I don't have the systems for them to follow. I just kind of do things as they need to be done right now.

  • SeanVFF's avatar
    Contributor 2

    Hey Dave! Great webinar today, thanks for all the info! 

    To kind of continue my question from the chat, (I asked how to start structuring our business after flying by the seat of our pants!)I think what we need to do next is set up systems in our business. What is the best way to start that? 


    • David_Moerman's avatar
      Jobber Ambassador

      Hey Sean, 

      Glad you liked the webinar! Systems are imperative to growing a business sustainably (& without losing your mind as an Owner)

      A few things to consider:
      1. I have attached here my 61 point systems check-list

      2. Standard Operating Procedures - Look at each role in the business and start to write a 1 page process for each. For example for the Office Admin - start to write down in bullet point form all the tasks that get done daily in the office. You could even look into to start screen recordings of your process

      There is a lot to this question, but hope these pointers help for now

      -Dave Moerman

      • SeanVFF's avatar
        Contributor 2

        Thank you so much! Will definitely get working on those!!