Forum Discussion

Wes-Tech's avatar
Contributor 2
4 months ago

Credit card processing

Does anyone have any information or advice on how to deal with this situation. What I have been dealing with is insane. Jobber decided to start holding my funds and sent me an email wanting information. I sent the information even though I was not sure why they would ever need to see some of what they requested. There is no live person that can even be contacted about such matters. Today I finally got a response from them and they are going to hold $7000 of my funds for 120 days just to “safeguard my account”! This business was just started 1 month ago so I am not sure that I will be able to recover from this! Has anyone had any issues like this? At this point I just need my money so I can continue my business and leave Jobber! 

  • I had the same problem with square. I used then to process all my credit card pmts and it is the blue they said they were " protecting my company" from canceled card pmts. I had to cancel those payments refund that to the customer and collect payment again through an alternate source. It definitely sucks but waiting for a return to be credited back for 2-3 days then reprocessing payment which may take a few days if you are using a new system. It's easy better than losing 25% of your invoice ( which is usually the profit from that job) for up to 6 months. All they are doing with that money is using it to lend out in shirt term loans and earning interest from those loans before they let you have access. I use my business banking account to process all my pmts and I've never had to wait for more than a couple days for large pmts to be processed. That may be an option for you. Good luck it can definitely make or break a newly started business. For sure. 

  • julie's avatar
    Jobber Community Team

    Thank you for flagging this, Wes! Our team has looked into the issue in the hopes of resolving this for you.

    Our team needs to be proactive to ensure the safety and security of Jobber payments. A member of our team will reach out to you shortly.

  • I’m really sorry to hear you’re going through this! That’s an incredibly tough situation, especially when you’re just getting started. I’ve been using Jobber for 8 years now and never ran into this. It might help to reach out to their support team again and request a more detailed explanation or timeline for fund release.

    In the meantime, I’d recommend considering other payment processors that might be more flexible for a new business. QuickBooks, Stripe, or PayPal could be good alternatives, as they offer more real-time support options for situations like this. Hopefully, you can get the funds you need and find a setup that works best for you! Good luck!

    • Wes-Tech's avatar
      Contributor 2

      I have been working on getting in touch with someone who can provide answers but that is proving to be very difficult. 
      I got a new card processor set up today through my bank. So at least I can keep trying to move forward while I am dealing with retrieving the funds that are being withheld.