Forum Discussion

Lucas's avatar
Contributor 2
15 days ago

Invoice reminders on Jobs I get paid cash

I've been using jobber for 2 years now and there is a problem that I have just been dealing with. 90% of my jobs I get paid in cash. And at the end of every month I have a 50-100 invoice reminders that I have to drag and unschedule once every month it takes me about 20 minutes. Is there an option that I am unaware of to remove invoice reminders? If there isn't an option can the developers create something like that. I'm sure it would be very helpful for current users.

  • bedellmgmt's avatar
    Jobber Ambassador

    Hey Lucas - 

    There isn't any other way around this that I know of.  But maybe it would help to think of it as just part of the job/work flow.  Perceived "extra steps" are never fun, but if you are charging enough for each job then, for me, it is easier to make it just part of the project! I deal with this one too.

    Any one else have any ideas to share with me and Lucas?? 

  • Boss's avatar
    New Member

    If you close the job and collect payment you should be able to mark it as paid in cash under the offline payments. But yes you can also turn of reminders in settings also.