Forum Discussion

CareEaseLawn's avatar
Contributor 2
3 months ago

Snowplowing routing

We are having trouble with the way that we currently have to schedule our teams for dispatching when it come time to our snow plowing events. With Jobber currently not having a way for the management team to efficiently dispatch a large number of clients to each team member at a short notice interval. We currently have to set a job as a repeating job but leave it unscheduled. This leads to the problem of not having the option of selecting a team member/ members. Being in a area of heavy snow and storms that require at time 2-3 dispatches we currently have not found a way to notify our drivers through jobber quickly. We are currently looking at other programs to accomplish this task like Folosoft. But am wondering if anyone has had a successful way of doing this.

Our thoughts for Jobber would be to have a dispatch via the team member and or a group. Example customers on Truck #1 route is saved as Route #1 and can be scheduled to the date of service needed in the order that is pre-set. Then all you need to do is assign the team member to the route and good to go. 

Example #2 would be Tagging all customer under the route you want and then mass schedule them using the tagged word. 


Ultimately we would like to dispatch as quick as possible and have the route for the drivers to take be preset. Then all they would need to do is capture a finished photo and hit complete. This would also help us track completion rate as our team members go.

  • jade's avatar
    Jobber Support Team

    Hey Care Ease Lawn Team, thank you for your question. We have helped many service providers with snow removal and we have some ideas! 

    We understand snow removal is unpredictable, and dispatching in a timely manner is important. I think your solution of Truck #1 would be assigned to Route #1 is a great way to organize your route. In order to ensure the same route every time, you can set up a Master Route in your settings. 

    Tags are also beneficial for scheduling visits on the fly. Using the schedule's Map View, it is possible to mass-assign visits to users with the help of tags. 

    We have created this Help Center Article to go over all the tips and tricks of having an efficient snow removal workflow. 

    Some key points in that article include: 

    • Setting up recurring jobs with the visit schedule as "as needed - we won't prompt you"
    • Add the job title as "Snow Removal"
    • Tag the client with "Snow Removal"

    I recommend getting in touch with our Success Team over the phone so we can go over all of the steps and ensure that these methods will work for you. Please give us a call at 888-721-1115 ext 1. 

    Best of Luck! 

  • You can schedule up to 100 jobs at a time using the bulk scheduling tool.  The job list can be sorted by job title, line item, or tags. 

    My background is in landscaping and snow removal, Im happy to share what I know if you have any questions.  Without knowing the specifics of how you schedule or determine work distribution it is hard to give better advice.  You can email me at or feel free to message me through here.