Forum Discussion

JacobJunk's avatar
Contributor 3
5 months ago

Can Door-to-Door Selling work for Junk Removal?

We are a small Junk Removal company based in the DMV area. Occasionally, during down time, we send guys out to knock doors with flyers with the goal of booking and completing a job on the spot or scheduling a job for the future. We have had little to no success with this method. Is it our sales skills/technique/pitch or more so the work that we are trying to offer that makes this method ineffective for us?

  • It can work but is defintely much harder in 2024 then it was years ago. Do you have a script for them to use? Have you roll played pretending to be the customer? Doing sales when your not usually a sales person is hard and the constant rejection starts to weigh on you. Are you taking them at their word that they are actually doing it? For best results I like doing some door to door when our crew is working in that area and you can reference the house your currently doing (builds trust). 

    • bedellmgmt's avatar
      Jobber Ambassador

      Great advice FredHodgeJr  - I'm curious to hear why the guys knocking on doors feel they aren't landing sales. They likely know exactly what the answer is if they've done enough of it. Did they give you any insight JacobJunk ??

  • I'd also be curious if you're targeting B2B or households with door-to-door? Seems like going after property management companies in your area would be worthwhile door to walk through, among others. Fred's right though, there's a lot to consider when it comes to understanding what's causing the lack of results. From who you're targeting, the script you have, the offer you're presenting, the design of the flyer, how many doors per day, KPI's, the people you have on the streets, training, etc. 