How do you utilize reports in your business?
I am curious to hear which reports you consider most valuable in your business and what actions are taken based on those reports if anyone is willing to share. Are there reports that you use regularly in Jobber or reports that you wish were part of Jobber? If so how do you utilize the information that the reports provide? Are changes made based on the reports? Is the data used to create the reports monitored internally for consistency? Thanks for sharing all input is helpful!76Views4likes14CommentsVirtual assistant
Sorry if this is a repeat post. I did some searching on here and didn’t find what I’m asking. I keep hearing about virtual assistants used for service pros. I’m a 1 man show right now trying to delete and automate as much as possible to leave room for growth and expansion. I heard virtual assistants can help with a number of task. Does anyone have a company they refer or use? What has been the feed back?How has that helped utilizing a VA and Jobber together? Thank you !64Views3likes5Comments