Forum Discussion

DanielG2024's avatar
Contributor 2
4 months ago

Postcard marketing

Hi everyone I run a small lawn and landscaping company, and I wanted to see what your all's thoughts/experience has been with using postcards to market your business specifically using EDDM. If so what has your average lead to postcard sent out been? Thanks.

  • Expensive and hard to track. Even if you have a unique offer on the card I would consider more of an awareness tool than a lead generation tool. 

    • DanielG2024's avatar
      Contributor 2

      Got it. More of an awareness tool than a lead generation tool.

  • FB's avatar
    Contributor 2

    I’ve personally had no luck with them. I had one professionally designed and it looked great, offering a great deal for a furnace and AC maintenance combo. I looked up a ton other of companies offers too so I know it was a good deal. With CanadaPost I was even able to select specific demographics to receive them. I even made sure my web site, google all that stuff was up to **bleep** before sending them out. I sent out over 5k cards…literally got 1 call for $149.99. Super disappointing. I don’t know if I did something wrong but definitely did not work for me. Maybe someone else has had a better experience that can chime in. 

    • DanielG2024's avatar
      Contributor 2

      Wow. I guess its good to have different marketing companies going at once, and not put all you eggs in one basket. 

  • bedellmgmt's avatar
    Jobber Ambassador

    I haven't done any of this type of advertising, but have heard from others who have that the success seems to be very market-dependent. Some local areas seem to do well from these and a neighboring community produces the results FB experienced. 

    Ultimately, I wouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. Multi-touch point marketing does work on a big enough scale - but you may find more instant success shaking hands and getting face-to-face with your target clients.

    • DanielG2024's avatar
      Contributor 2

      I've tried doing face to face door nocking, and it works sometimes for me. But most of the time they ether don't come to there door, or when they do say there not interested before I can get a word out. 

      Just trying to see what everyone's experience has been, and see if its a good idea to add this to my marketing campaigns. 

  • Direct mail still works! EDDM is both affordable and easy to use. However, you must send enough pieces out to give yourself an opportunity to be successful. Ideally, send out 5,000 pieces, 2 times with a 2 week interval between mailing. Then the next month, do it again with 5,000 new addresses. Next month, the same. After 3 months you can come back and resend to your original addresses. Don’t worry about refreshing the creative - they won’t remember and if they do that’s a win. This strategy should cost about $3,000/month and will generate a response rate of .25-.5%. So make sure the cost to acquire a customer works in your business. In this example you would get 5-10 customers per month. 

    I’m in a different business now and will send 200,000 pieces of direct mail in 2025 - hitting each home 12 times. It definitely works!

    • DanielG2024's avatar
      Contributor 2

      Thank you. Looking into different marketing straggles for the 2025 season. 

  • ryaantuttle's avatar
    Jobber Ambassador

    Great question DanielG2024 !

    Jobber has an integration with Sendjim where you can you send Postcards directly from Jobber. It's a really robust platform and works well. However, you'd really want to put an entire strategy/campaign together in order to effectively spend your marketing dollars correctly. Start by building out your ideal client avatar and go from there.

    • DanielG2024's avatar
      Contributor 2

      I didn't realize jobber integrated with Sendjim I'll have to look into that.